Workplace injuries occur every day in NSW. Some are minor and require no time off work, while others can be devastating for the worker and their family.
Whether your injury was the result of your employer's negligence, an accident, or even your own mistake, the “no fault” workers compensation scheme will allow payment of some benefits including medical expenses, compensation for loss of wages (weekly payments) and lump sum compensation.
The amount of compensation payable depends on a number of variables, including occupation and severity of injury. One thing you can be sure of is you will not recover all of your financial losses through the no-fault system alone. For example, there is no compensation for loss of superannuation and weekly payments are capped at generally reduced rates.
Because of this it is important that you seek legal advice from an expert soon after an injury. At Mortimer Fox Lawyers we can help you to identify other potential benefits that may flow from your injury and ensure you receive your maximum statutory entitlements.
We don’t shy away from the complex cases, in fact, we love them. Our accredited specialist has resolved matters that other lawyers have left in the "too hard basket" for up to a decade. If your claim has been denied, if your case is not progressing with your current lawyer, or if you are unhappy with the advice you have received about the value of your claim, contact us for a second opinion. What have you got to lose?
The first consultation is FREE and we will never charge you for any work done to recover your NSW statutory entitlements.
Depending on your occupation, we may be able to get ILARS funding to cover your legal costs and disbursements.
If not, we will look after your case on a no-win/no-fee basis and recover our costs from the insurer when we finalise your claim.
Click on the links below to find out more:
Benefits for Workers
Benefits for Police Officers, Paramedics and Firefighters
​Benefits for Volunteers
SES Workers
Surf Lifesavers
Injuries and impairments
Making a claim
New Injuries - Top 10 questions answered
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